An unnamed clone veteran recounts his experiences fighting for both the Republic and Empire, and his account of events casts the clone soldiers in a different light compared to their personality-filled, fan-favorite counterparts seen in modern Star Wars media. Before The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch popularized stories about the clones themselves, Battlefront 2 featured a narrative centered around the clone army’s 501st legion.

The omission of a campaign was a big deal in EA’s 2015 reboot of Battlefront, in large part due to how fondly Battlefront 2’s campaign was remembered. RELATED: Comparing the 2005 Star Wars: Battlefront 2 to EA's Star Wars Battlefront 2 While some aspects of the game are undoubtedly antiquated, this vintage Star Wars title still has some unique qualities that certainly make it a game worth revisiting in 2021.

However, that’s not to say the title doesn’t deserve attention nowadays - Disney certainly didn’t think so when it helped restore Battlefront 2’s multiplayer servers. The original Star Wars Battlefront 2 is now 16 years old, and has since seen worthy follow-ups in EA’s reboot of the series. At the time, these titles were the closest one could get to actually playing out film-accurate firefights, and that’s one reason why 2005’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 is fondly remembered as a high point in Star Wars games. Meanwhile, the Battlefront series has always been more focused on the “war” part of the Star Wars name. Titles like Knights of the Old Republic and the recent Jedi: Fallen Order both fill fans’ cravings for a Jedi role-playing experience, while Squadrons aims to simulate the series' intense space dogfights. The Star Wars franchise has played host to several memorable games throughout the past few decades, many of which serve different niches.