Friday the 13th free
Friday the 13th free

You all know what happens next, so I won't say anything more. THis sister was involved with the first group of victims, and now there is this second group who know of nothing that has happened to the other group because it has been about six weeks since the first group went missing. THe one wrinkle added to the story is that one of the character's (Jared Padelecki from Supernatural on the WB) is brought into the story because he is looking for his sister. Young adults go camping, young adults die in nasty ways. It starts off with a pitiful prelude that goes back to 1980 and found me rolling my eyes, but afterward it gets better. Now on with the plot, which I really won't go into detail about because we already know what it's about. However if this is your type of thing, go see it. Horror movie fans who love creative killings will love it, but if you're not a horror movie fan of the slasher genre, then I really can't tell you to see this movie.

friday the 13th free

After seeing this latest entry, which is really a remake of the first four films into one, I can't really say its bad. For me they have always been guilty pleasures, but not something I would recommend to fans not into gory movies where there are occasional scares but no real suspense built up. THe Friday the 13th films have never been what you would call good movies.

Friday the 13th free