Star wars the clone wars separatist ships
Star wars the clone wars separatist ships

  • 2KEF2D: This will unlock the IG-100 Magnaguard.An A-Z text listing of all Star Wars Ships, Vehicles, Bases and Stationsīases & Space Stations from our Features Menu.
  • J46P7A: This will unlock the Invincibility Red Power Brick.
  • J3MFJZ: This will unlock the Republic Cruiser.
  • 2C8NHP: This will unlock the G old Super Battle Droid.
  • (This code only works on the Nintendo Wii.)
  • XPY46K: This will unlock the Stealth Ship.
  • If you get all ten minikits in a mission, then you get some studs and unlock a certain character that can be bought from a room inside the hub as well as a Gold Brick. There are ten in each mission and can be found in many places. Minikits are small cylindrical objects with a green and a red light on each.
  • Perfect Deflect: Automatically deflects blaster fire back to shooter - Cost: 100,000 studs.
  • Dark Side: Gives all Jedi the ability to activate dark side modules - Cost: 150,000 studs.
  • Super Saber Cut: Cuts through walls far more quickly - Cost: 300,000 studs.
  • Glow in the Dark: Gives your character a green glow, lighting areas - Cost: 25,000 studs.
  • Dual Wield: Gives you two weapons instead of one - Cost: 250,000 studs.
  • star wars the clone wars separatist ships star wars the clone wars separatist ships

    Speeders go faster and are invincible from attack while ridden - Cost: 40,000,000 studs Super Speeders: Makes speeders able to destroy not just average constructions faster, but gold and silver objects as well.Score x10: Multiplies every stud you get by ten - Cost: 40,000,000 studs.Score x8: Multiplies every stud you get by eight - Cost: 20,000,000 studs.Score 圆: Multiplies every stud you get by six - Cost: 10,000,000 studs.Score x4: Multiplies every stud you get by four - Cost: 2,000,000 studs.Score x2: Multiplies every stud you get by two - Cost: 500,000 studs.Stud Magnet: Attracts nearby studs to you - Cost: 500,000 studs.Character Studs: Killing enemies provides studs Cost: 100,000 studs.Minikit Detector: Shows the location of Minikits - Cost: 750,000 studs.Red brick Detector: Shows the location of Red Power Bricks - Cost: 125,000 studs.Invincibility: Invulnerable to attacks, but can fall - Cost: 1,000,000 studs.Fast Build: Builds Lego bricks far more quickly - Cost: 500,000 studs.Regenerate Hearts: Recovers hearts after a short while - Cost: 400,000 studs.Trident Assault Craft (missiles and torpedoes).

    star wars the clone wars separatist ships

    Republic Cruiser (missiles and torpedoes).

    Star wars the clone wars separatist ships